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Roy Keidar

Signature Cocktail
experience 6 years

Bar codex Roy Keidar

Love what you do! No matter what profession you choose.

I love my job for the variety – you never know when the night will bring, and who will come to the bar that night.

The most stressful thing in bartending job is a moody customer – you never know what’s on their mind, as opposed to those who express their dissatisfaction openly.

Every day, I try to write down all the thoughts and ideas that pop up for improving my work in a notebook, and I start the next day by reading them with fresh eyes.

Learn to be patient! Guests, bosses, and coworkers can be annoying sometimes. It’s hard to become a good bartender without patience.

Never stop learning new things, so that you can keep a finger on the pulse of the industry. After all, it never stops growing and developing.

Don’t be too sure of yourself! Admit the possibility that you’re sometimes in the wrong.

If you’re new to the bar industry, be modest, hold back from commenting too frequently, and listen more to what professionals are saying, even when you see that there are flaws.

I’m proud of what I’m doing right now and never look back. Even if something doesn’t work out today, it’s important to persevere.

If you encounter an aggressive customer, don’t try to fight them, or insist on explaining why they’re wrong. I used to do exactly that, but now I try to walk away from conflicts and just say that I’m very sorry for what happened.

Learn to balance! It’s the hardest part of making cocktails.

In order to come up with new cocktails, you can draw inspiration from anywhere – from traveling, watching cooking shows, and exchanging ideas with other bartenders, among many others.

I don’t use alcohol to relieve stress. Even though our profession presumes the consumption of a significantly greater quantity of alcohol than any other.

People will come back again and again if they feel comfortable at the bar. A good bartender is like a good barber: they know their clients and what they expect.

Believe in yourself and your choices, and never doubt your abilities! We’re often dissatisfied with ourselves by nature, but it’s worth remembering that if you become a bartender, that’s already a sign of something. Walk with your head raised high and never rest on your laurels.

Signature Hit Roy Keidar cocktail Dr. Bizzaro

Signature Hit Roy Keidar cocktail Dr. Bizzaro

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