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Carina Tsou & Joshua Fontaine

Signature Cocktail
experience 21 years

Bar codex Carina Tsou & Joshua Fontaine

We expect managers to act and think like they are the owners.

The owner sets the overall vision and goals for the company, while the bar manager executes them.

It is easy to teach somebody how to make drinks, but you can't get into a person's head and tell them how to behave or what to believe in.

Without patience and a long-term vision, you will go crazy!

All of us used to be bar-backs, at least once!

Some bartenders unfortunately think they are rock stars, but we don't allow any inflated egos behind our bars. No one is changing the world by making a drink and facilitating a good time.

You should never tell a guest that their question is dumb or their drink request is disgusting.

Some people don't know how to handle a couple of drinks; we just stop serving them, offer water and slowly take them to the exit.

One of the most difficult things in our job is to keep a good balance between both places and the teams working together.

What I hate in my job: neighbors who only see the negative side of the presence of bars, and not the positive community-building benefits of having meeting places open in your neighborhood.

A good bartender requires passion, the ability to listen and communicate — not only in his native language.

The right investor should understand the project properly and of course be enthusiastic about it, the same as you. There will always be a difference between the two positions, but a good manager definitely makes a good business owner.

Find an investor who believes in you as a person and the idea, and who trusts you enough to lend you money and then let you manage the business without interference.

I am lucky to do what I love!

A good bartender... is less common than you may think.

Try Le jardin de meme cocktail by Carina Tsou & Josh Fontaine

Try Le jardin de meme cocktail by Carina Tsou & Josh Fontaine

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