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Luca Cinalli

Signature Cocktail
experience 19 years

Bar codex Luca Cinalli

The perfect bar is a place where you can feel at home.

Cocktails make people more sensitive to new tastes and feels, and I love them for it.  

The most important thing in a cocktail is balance.

I love being surprised more than anything else on Earth. 

A good bartender is a psychologist, coach, and a little bit of a priest.

The most difficult thing is assembling a team that can become a big family.

When I work, I often feel fear.

I almost never go to other bars.

I don’t have my own style – my guests inspire me.

The main component in a bar’s success is exactness in everything.

Signature Hit Luca Cinalli cocktail Lambanog mule

Signature Hit Luca Cinalli cocktail Lambanog mule

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