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Jamie Boudreau

Signature Cocktail
experience 37 years

Bar codex Jamie Boudreau

Want to open your own bar? Then raise a lot of money, forget about family and do it as early as you can. After your first bar is running itself, then focus on family.

Work hard, study hard, live the life of a bartender, see as many bars or restaurants as you can, and study with a critical eye.

I started my blog almost a decade ago as a source for my regulars to be able to make the drinks that I served them.

My career can be described in 7 words: hard work, fortuitous, lengthy, mobile, creative and adventuresome.

I think I work hard and am a little lucky.

Most things about managing a craft bar are not available via Google.

Bartenders that wear bow ties are more talented than I. I have never attempted to tie a bow tie.

Bad news happens every day: you have to adapt on the fly.

Bars are magical places that allow people to be transported out of their normal world into one of their choosing.

The most unpredictable thing in the bar business? People. You can never judge a person or predict what they will do from the moment they enter until the moment they leave, several drinks later.

Try Smoking monkey cocktail by Jaime Boudreau

Try Smoking monkey cocktail by Jaime Boudreau

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