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Lewis Jaffrey

Signature Cocktail
experience 25 years

Bar codex Lewis Jaffrey

Any bar can be ruined with the wrong staff.

Becoming a great bartender doesn't happen by accident.

Inspiration has a way of jumping out of you when you least expect it.

The important aspect of gathering a great bar team is hiring people you can genuinely get along with. So will your guests.

A lot of bartenders feel like they play the part of psychologists. I prefer to set a fun atmosphere, where people are too busy having a good time rather than sitting there being depressed.

Once bitten, twice shy?

Winning the title of 7th-best new worldwide venue was the biggest shock in my career.

Most women want a man to hold their hand while getting to sleep; instead bartenders' wives get us skulking in the door at all hours smelling like a brewery. What they put up with is incredible!

Bring only joy and happiness with you to work. Guests are not here to listen to your problems.

Try Antique daiquiri cocktail by Lewis Jaffrey

Try Antique daiquiri cocktail by Lewis Jaffrey

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