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Philip Bischoff

Signature Cocktail
experience 20 years

Bar codex Philip Bischoff

Ultimately it is your personal effort. that allows you to achieve what you personally long for.

Drinks are just a tool to help you have a good time.

There are always guests you'd love to see more often, but in the end you want (almost) all of them back.

All of us have passion for what we are doing, doesn't matter if we're tattooed or not.

I always try to visit new venues to have a good time and experience something new.

As a hotel bar you are part of a big service-orientated enterprise with rules and concessions.

Fortunately, the times when guests asked bartenders „What's your real job?“ have passed. Anyway, the answer remained the same: „We are helping people to have a great night bout.“

A great bar should be like a living room, a place where you love to be.

If robots would replace bartenders in bars, there would be no people behind and in front of the counter.

Everybody should enjoy his work.

Good friendship among bartenders and journalists can be very good for the profession.

There is no bar without guests.

Apart from the quality of the products, the most important thing for alcohol companies is the people working for the company in direct contact with the industry.

Try Delicious cocktail by Philip Bischoff

Try Delicious cocktail by Philip Bischoff

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