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Andreas Bergman

Signature Cocktail
experience 22 years

Bar codex [Andreas Bergman]

Even if I was a very rich man, I would stay in the bar industry.

Try not to get stressed. It kills the vibe. Don’t get nervous; smile and count to twenty.

When you work with nervous customers, make sure you give them what they want in a timely fashion. Don’t let them come to you with complaints. Be happy and good-natured.

The most valuable qualities in a bartender are selflessness, loyalty, diligence, and teamwork.

It’s important to take care of your guests. Sometimes you have to be tough and tell them it’s their last drink of the night.

Running a business with your friends is great, but it’s not easy. Honesty and sincerity will help you find mutual understanding.

Learn from your mistakes. Don’t be proud, but know what your worth, you are great and the greater you are the more you have learnt from you mistakes.

Planning work and setting a schedule is the key to success. However, you can improvise and be spontaneous from time to time. It’s fun.

The more you work at your job, the better you get at it. You need time and love for new knowledge in order to become a professional.

It’s important to relax two days a week and give yourself a break in the winter and summer. Travel as much as you can – it’s inspiring and keeps you young

Give yourself goals. For example, we are opening a bar in New York this fall. Meanwhile, my long-term goal is to open a hotel in an old Italian castle.

This is what makes a bar successful: staff, service, quality, location – and in case you didn’t get it the first time, staff.

A bartender should have one or two special skills – after all, you could teach a monkey how to mix cocktails. If you like math, try to cut costs at the bar; if you like photography, take some great shots for Instagram.

Your working relationship with your staff should remain professional. It’s important to maintain subordination. But there are times for fun together, just don’t shit where you eat.

Work hard, don’t drink too much, don’t do drugs, go to the gym, eat your vegetables, and take care of yourself!

Try [Beets by tjoget] cocktail by [Andreas Bergman]

Try [Beets by tjoget] cocktail by [Andreas Bergman]

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