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Giuseppe Santamaria

Signature Cocktail
experience 27 years

Bar codex Giuseppe Santamaria

I like to start my day with a nice cup of coffee and switching the music on.

When you work in a hotel bar, you have to follow certain procedures stated by the hotel. Whereas, when you work in another type of cocktail bar, you are able to set your own standards.

Working in a 5-star hotel gives the possibility to prioritise quality over quantity.

Each cocktail is unique because its final touch is given by the customer, it is the expression on their face when they drink it. Until then, a cocktail is not finished.

Cocktails are like drinkable suits that fit every guest individually.

I’m the Leader to my bartenders.

A good bartender should be Salvatore “Il Maestro” Calabrese for his guests.

Speed is the one of the most important factors. It comes with practice and a deep knowledge of cocktails.

A good bartender is always sales oriented. It is important to know the products you are selling and how to sell them.

Maintaining a positive state of mind is vital when working behind the bar.

To make the difficult easy is the difficult.

You have to take pride in everything you do and do your job the best you can. No matter how many years of experience you have, there is always something new to learn!

Try Above the clouds cocktail by Giuseppe Santamaria

Try Above the clouds cocktail by Giuseppe Santamaria

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