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Erik Lorincz

Signature Cocktail
experience 23 years

Bar codex Erik Lorincz

Follow your dream and make it happen. Two words I always say to my juniors: “One day”.

My constant search for excellence is my business card.

Be a Leader. Listen to your team members, trust them and recognise the qualities of each one.

Be proud to be a bartender, but be humble doing it.

The bartender's job is hard work and needs a lot of energy.

On my road to success I had to sacrifice my time with the family…

For me suits are a kind of message that we bartenders should be respected as a profession.

There is a very thin line of understanding between the guest who has to be patient waiting for his cocktail and the bartender who has to be fast.

A bar is a real scenario without a written script of what's going to happen next. Monday is not the same as Friday, one is day busy, another – quiet.

Copying is a question of professional ethics. People without it will always find a way to do it.

I'm looking at what more I can do behind the bar, rather than thinking about what I will do when I give up the shaker.

To teach people, one needs patience and understanding of what people really want to learn from you.

I'm impressed with the energy and constancy of Gary Regan, Peter Dorelli, Jared Brown, Salvatore Calabrese, Dale De Groff and many more who inspired me once and still keep inspiring me.

The best way to advertise a bar or alcohol nowadays is drinking as a lifestyle. Perfectly done in James Bond movies.

My whole life I’ve been dreaming about what it could be like watching the Earth from the Moon.

Try Four more years cocktail by Erik Lorincz

Try Four more years cocktail by Erik Lorincz

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