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Jan Branis

Signature Cocktail
experience 27 years

Bar codex Jan Branis

The team and ice — these are the main things in the bar.

Sometimes compromise is absolutely necessary. Every person has a right to his own point of view.

Try to be the best host for your guests.

In comparison to a bartender, a bar manager takes on more responsibilities and liabilities.

Most of my knowledge I gained with experience, learning from my mistakes, books and guests. Also, a lot from trips, bar shows and magazines.

A bartender's outfit has an important influence on the job, especially hygiene and cleanliness.

Making inventory exhausts me the most — we have over 1,000 bottles.

It is not a problem for me to leave the bar for a vacation or for two-three days — I have the best team in the Czech Republic and two very reliable and competent leaders.

The Prague cocktail bar scene is one of the best in the Europe; the main disadvantage of the Prague bar scene is the unavailability of some ingredients or their price and quality.

Try Bugsy's rose cocktail by Jan Branis

Try Bugsy's rose cocktail by Jan Branis

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