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Markus Blattner

Signature Cocktail
experience 29 years

Bar codex Markus Blattner

My bar is the treasure island.

There's nothing I really dislike since I made my hobby into my living.

Our business is all about emotions on either side. Emotions make you what you are.

There's no nicer music than people's talk and whispers.

The older you get, the more you know how to handle your clients or patients.

I would always protect minorities and staff at any cost.

As a judge of cocktail competitions I can say that there is always “when” and “but”.

There's no better or worse shaker, it's just a matter of taste or skills. I personally prefer an old-school WMF Silver Shaker.

As a host one should always keep a healthy distance with customers.

When it comes to cocktails – less is more!

Observe and learn.

Try Lightweight traveller cocktail by Markus Blattner

Try Lightweight traveller cocktail by Markus Blattner

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