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Chris Bostick

Signature Cocktail
experience 26 years

Bar codex Chris Bostick

No bar-back, no bar. They are the lifeblood of any successful bar.

Trust must be earned and everybody’s jobs must be respected. Whether you are a dishwasher or veteran bartender, everybody’s job is as important as the others.

If you want to open your own bar, be prepared to work for it. Bar ownership sounds glamorous but to do it the right way takes an incredible amount of energy.

Bartenders that wear bow ties generally have a good sense of style and are confident enough to pull it off.

Overall, some might feel awards are a sign of success but I feel like the true reward is earning the trust of your guests enough that they continue to come back.

Having one of the most dynamic and talented teams starts by establishing a defined culture at your bar from the start. There must be strong and charismatic leadership that inspires and enriches as opposed to intimidate and demean.

Take care of every guest as you would someone in your own home and the word will spread.

Mixology is the practice of drink making and recipe development. These skills are but a couple of the many that make a great bar or bartender special.

Try Summer sherry cobbler cocktail by Chris Bostick

Try Summer sherry cobbler cocktail by Chris Bostick

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